Reading: A Journey, Not a Sprint

It’s a new year, and Goodreads has reset people books read counter. Now seems like a good time to weigh in on the merits of taking your time.

No one can convince me that finishing a book in a few hours compares to the depth gained from days or weeks spent with it. Reading is an adventure, not a race to cover word counts. It’s common to hear people brag about how many books they’ve conquered in a month, treating reading like a competitive sport, focusing on speed rather than engagement.

When people boast about their book count, I often respond, “You don’t want to read a book; you want to finish it.” This isn’t to criticize reading goals but to suggest that the emphasis should be on the experience, not just completion. Books are meant to be savored—every page is a chance to connect with diverse perspectives and explore new worlds. Rushing through a story, we miss the nuances that make literature enriching.

Reading slowly allows us to absorb intricate details and appreciate moments that stir our emotions and provoke thought. Like pausing in a museum to admire a masterpiece, taking our time with books lets them change us and deepen our understanding.

Let’s not measure our reading by the number of finished books, but by the journeys they take us on and the lasting impacts they leave. After all, the most memorable adventures are those that resonate long after they end.

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